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  • Candi

    January 21, 2024 at 11:01 am

    My name is Candi, I grew up in a small town in Kansas. My entire life I’ve had family members diagnosed with IBS and thyroid issues, anxiety & eating disorders (over and under eating). My husband of 15 years has also struggled with gut issues and in 2021 had surgery to remove his infected bowels. 2022 was my breaking point, I became anxious, couldn’t eat without what felt like fire in my stomach, hair loss, not sleeping. My doctor prescribed me PPI and SSRI and told me if that doesn’t work I don’t know what to tell you. I had a doctor tell me to remove my gallbladder and see if that helps. When I would ask WHY this was happening or question their protocol they became defensive and dismissive. I dove into the research for the past two years and just a few months ago found some of Dr. Rostenberg’s YouTube videos & read his book… My WHY is to help educate others that your body can heal & guide them through the process.