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  • Timothy

    May 9, 2024 at 3:58 am

    Hi everyone! I’m Dr Tim Gearhart D.C.

    I’m a practicing chiropractor just finishing up my 15th year. I’m blessed with a successful practice and truly enjoy what I do.

    Now, maybe more than ever, our patients (and truly all of humanity) are in need of help, and ultimately are in need of hope. I see that the outside-in approach to health care is failing to help patients reach their true potential when it comes to the treatment of chronic disease. I feel driven to not only learn, but to also apply the principles of functional medicine so that more can understand that true health comes from within, that our body is made to thrive and function at a high level, and we can all live long lives free of chronic disease.

    As I learn more, I find myself excited like never before! I cannot wait to share this knowledge, and I’m looking forward to seeing the positive changes in my patients’ lives!

    Thank you for putting together this program!

    Dr. G