• Dr. Andrew

    June 6, 2024 at 8:16 pm

    NW – 40 yr/old female, 5’3″, 155 lbs

    Homeschooling mom of 6 kids (vaginal at home births), unhappy with weight gain and excessive gas/bloating.

    Has had a total of 10 pregnancies. Earlier this year miscarried and had a D&C and blood transfusion (lots of meds). The gas/bloating and midsection weight gain has been an ongoing problem for the last 10 years, but has been especially bad the last few years. She’s dealt with diastasis recti. Per her size and build, she has an unusual amount of abdominal distention. It’s embarrassing for her, as she is asked periodically by others if she is pregnant (our small children seem to regularly bring it up). She eats mostly clean, organic, grassfed, and little grain. Makes homemade goat milk yogurt and sauerkraut. Six months ago, she began a SIBO protocol (low fodmap/antimicrobials) and was successful in trimming up her waistline and had less bloating. It should be noted that she proceeded with the SIBO protocol without an OAT. We worked on ICV massage and did some hiatal hernia support.

    Since her SIBO protocol she has gained all the weight she lost, and then some. She has not been diligent with continuing HCL and digestive enzymes. She feels that Lipoflow helps her. When she remembers, she takes magnesium, omega 3’s and desiccated beef liver. She is frustrated and doesn’t want to have to eat differently her whole life. Any higher fodmap foods result in gas/bloating and she doesn’t know why she can’t handle fodmaps to any degree. She doesn’t exercise regularly. Had a round of antibiotics about 15 years ago. She’s been craving ice cubes lately (used to do that when she was known to be iron deficient).

    Although weight gain/gas/bloating are all very concerning to Natasha, I have been concerned that she seems fatigued and needs more sleep than she used to. Historically, I’ve required more sleep than Natasha to function, but as of late she sleeps longer than me (8-9 hrs).

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by  Dr. Andrew.