Practice Management

At WellPower we believe that in order to really transform patients’ lives, you have to be as good at running your business as you are at healing patients. For a lot of us that is a tall order. Typically we are gifted to be good at one or the other, rarely both. This creates a lot of frustration and anxiety for the clinician, but it doesn’t have to be this way. WellPower walks you step-by-step through implementing state-of-the-art functional medicine into your practice. You can transform your practice and we will show you how!

We all agree the exciting part about practice is treating patients and changing lives. That is the sweet spot that makes all the other challenges and stresses of practice worth it. When you know you have helped someone overcome a big health problem, and they are living life at a higher level…man that is the best thing in the world. Unfortunately, we can’t ignore the realities that our practice must be organized and efficient if it is going to work for us and our patients. In the end if we can’t run a successful business, we simply won’t be in business.

WellPower’s practice management modules are designed to help you integrate science and functional medicine protocols into your practice. We have been there already, made the mistakes, and we know what works. Whether you are a new grad building from scratch or an experienced, high-volume provider looking to take your clinic further, we will help you get there. WellPower gives you step-by-step patient management and office flow procedures for bringing this amazing science into your clinic quickly and profitably. Our advice is built on years of running a busy, world-class natural medicine clinic with low overhead and excellent margins.

If you are looking for even more support, we offer personalized consultations to help you navigate your clinic’s unique challenges more effectively.