• Marsha

    February 20, 2024 at 1:51 am

    29 year old infertile female x 5 years. DUTCH indicated high E3 with normal E1 and E2 as well as poorly metabolized cortisol.

    The OAT is attached. Is this predominately a mold issue with a little elevation in Candida? She is testing her home and work environments using Immunolytics. Her home is on the White River. The rest of the OAT looks good.

  • Marsha

    February 21, 2024 at 3:12 am

    DUTCH and OAT for Marsha’s patient

    Marsha’s MOLD TOXICITY Protocol:

    HCl Challenge

    Pan 5x

    L-Glutamine 10g TID

    D3 10,000 w/

    4 anti-fungals in rotation:

    Nutricidin – (1) TID

    Spectrum BR – (3) TID

    GSE Pro – (1) TID

    Fungalytic Compound – (2) half-dropperfulls 3x per day

    Liposomal Glutathione – (1) dropperfull TID

    Binder Pro – (2) before bed

    Coffee Enemas – OrganoGold Black coffee


    I suggest that you perform coffee enemas as a gentle yet very effective method for supporting liver and gallbladder function, and enhancing overall detoxification.

    Perform 1 enema per day for a week then 3x a week for a month.

    COFFEE ENEMA: (See instructions under “Labs & Documents”) will require you to get an enema kit. I recommend ordering the SILICONE hose option — https://www.healthandyoga.com/stainless-enema-kit-with-silicone-tubings


    To order the Organo Black Coffee, please visit — http://redmountain.myorganogold.com/gourmet-black-coffee/ — and place your order. Our Distributor ID is : 10000899913.

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by  Dr. Andrew.
  • Dr. Andrew

    February 23, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    Dr. Opp’s patient E.M.

    EM:Young female with very low energy, chronic headaches.


    In order to support improved adrenal function, we are going to saturate your chemistry with nutrients, herbs, adaptogens and pro-hormones to help increase output from your adrenal glands. To achieve this we are going to have you taking 4 products, but take one per hour, rotating each hour starting when you wake up and ending about 2-3pm in the afternoon. For example starting at 7am, you take product 1; at 8am product 2; 9am product 3; 10am product 5; and then at 11am you start over with product 1 and so and so forth until you’ve taken each one twice.

    1) SE Renew (2)

    2) Liposomal DHEA (15mg)

    3) SE Licorice Complex (2)

    4) SE B1/B6 (1)

    5) SE Renew (2)

    6) Liposomal DHEA (15mg)

    7) SE Licorice Complex (2)

    8) SE B1/B6 (1)

    After a couple of weeks, maybe 3 weeks of CARPET BOMBING, transition the patient to taking the same products except now she will (4) products with breakfast, and (4) with lunch.

    **Also this patients needs progesterone, my favorite brand is Bezwecken and the name of product is ProgonB 4x L. It is 4mg per drop and she should take 60mg per day at night before, for ongoing support

    **Retest the DUTCH in 4-5 months.

    KO: Lawyer, mom of 3, low cortisol, works out regularly, not losing weight.

    CORTISOL RESISTANCE – chronic overachievement, chronic high drive, everything hard, intense all the time….body simply loses it’s sensitivity to cortisol which ends up being like the boiling frog analogy. They aren’t paying attention to how stressed they really are. If the ego, the frontal lobe, the limbic cannot accurately measure the level of stress…then we need objective 3rd party to depend on for measuring this. Maffetone heart rate training should be used. Take 180 subtract patient’s age, then subtract another 5 for chronic low performance, then the number you are left with is the MAXIMUM AEROBIC HEARTRATE. In other words, this is heartrate that is allowed during exercise, because going above that number will lean on the adrenal glands releasing cortisol/adrenalin instead of burning fat in the mitochondria.

    OURA RING or INNER BALANCE DEVICE – these devices track HRV which is the best measure of stress that exists.

    POST WORKOUT SUPPORT – 3 capsules of CORTISOL PRO immediately after the workout

    SE Licorice Complex – (3) capsules QD, 2 with breakfast, 1 with lunch

    SE Serenity – (2) TID with meals

    Liposomal DHEA – 10mg AM w/ breakfast

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by  Dr. Andrew.