• Cynthia

    March 14, 2024 at 1:06 pm

    Patient has been struggling with high cholesterol, aches and pains in joints and muscles, and wakes at 2am each night. Also has blood sugar issues. Energy level varies.

    • Dr. Andrew

      March 15, 2024 at 2:52 pm

      S.E. Licorice Complex – 1AM, 1Lunch, 1 afternoon

      Liposomal DHEA – 15mg BID for one bottle, then reduce to 10-15mg QD for ongoing support.

      Estrobalance – 1 BID

      I-3-C Plus – 1 QD

      Berberine Pro/Prostate Support if needed for promoting DHEA –> Estrogens

  • Leah

    March 14, 2024 at 9:26 pm

    48 year old female who “hit a wall” in May of 2023. Fatigue, inability to lose weight and debilitating anxiety and worry began to plague her. She describes “feeling sad and miserable for no reason!”.

    Top goals are:

    1. Reduce bloating and feeling “full and heavy”

    2. Regular bowel movements

    3. Lose weight (has tried everything)

    4. Reduce stiffness and achiness in joints

    Gall bladder was removed in 2007 after suffering from severe “heartburn”.

    • Dr. Andrew

      March 15, 2024 at 3:14 pm

      Lipo-Flow – 1-2 TID per meal

      HCl Challenge – 1-7 tablets

      Pan 5x – 2 TID

      Fermented foods should be encouraged

      MCT Oil – 2 tbsp QD or Spectrum BR (3 tablets QD)

      S. boulardii / Ultrabiotic Defense – 1 BID

      Mag-Citrate – 1-6 tablets at night before bed to have a normal BM the following day before noon.

      NEEDS: DUTCH testing to measure ADRENAL vs. SEX HORMONE levels and determine what kind of support she needs as her HPO axis shuts down. Needs to follow the 80% RULE of energy output.

      • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by  Dr. Andrew.
  • Marsha

    March 14, 2024 at 11:16 pm

    General clarification questions

    1. Liquid protein such as protein shakes do not require HCL support? Or a significantly lesser dose of HCL?

    2. Is mold toxicity in an individual due to immunosuppressive conditions, methylation defects, or preexisting SIFO? Why one person in a mold environment will colonize the mold when another individual in the same environment does not.

  • Leah

    March 15, 2024 at 1:31 am

    16 year old suffering from neuropsychiatric symptoms…dissociated/out of body feeling, impulsive and dangerous behaviors. Identified substance and alcohol abuse in 2022. Constant nicotine use via vape.

    From Mom:

    As a newborn & infant very sensitive tummy. Needed a special formula. We were told that he wasn’t getting enough breast milk.

    Chronic ear infections since an infant. 2 ear tube surgeries. With each infection antibiotics, sometimes 2 rounds.

    Chronic strep throat. Antibiotics each time. In 1st grade adenoids & tonsils removed. Strep throat 3 times since removal. 2 of the times were this year with the 2nd positive test a few days after the first round of antibiotic was started.

    2013 ski accident. In a tight tuck he hit a chairlift tower with his head (helmet on). Resulted in a collapsed lung & 5 days in the ICU. We were not told that he had any damage to his brain and showed no signs of concussion. We also didn’t know to ask.

    Began meds for ADHD in 3rd grade. Meds changed multiple times since. Currently on Vyvanse and Klonipin.

  • Dr. Andrew

    March 22, 2024 at 7:39 pm

    He has very high #61 2-hydroxyhippuric acid…this means SIBO should be ruled in or out. Does he eat Aspartame or take salicylic acid (Aspirin)? If not…this indicates likely SIBO. Also, a patient like this should be screened via additional testing:

    1) GI MAP


    3) Also, due to the neurological issues he would benefit from a blood test called a Methylation Pathway Panel ( https://hdri-usa.com/methylation-pathway-panel/ ). This is a special blood test you can order as a provider, but you need to setup an account with the lab in New Jersey.