• Posted by Dr. Andrew on April 4, 2024 at 4:24 pm

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    Dr. Leah

    Previously happy and healthy 10 week old infant who began screaming following her 2 month shots. Dad said: “It was like someone was trying to rip her heart out of her chest”. Her fists clenched and her body became rigid. She screamed for hours at a time and was inconsolable for almost 2 full weeks before coming into the clinic. Symptoms have reduced by about 50% with adjustments.

    What can I add to help her body detox? Genetic testing?

    Vaccinations introduce a toxic chemical soup to the system, you have biological material and you have toxic, EPA-registered carcinogens, etc. You have a biological and a toxic threat.

    Mom could take Dynamic Detox, Methyl Complete, Lipo-Flow, Binder Pro, Nutri-ChelX

    Epsom salt bathing with Mom

    A single drop of Biocidin – QD

    Infant probiotic – 1 serving QD

    Liquid Zeolite/Fulvic/Humic – 2-3 drops TID

    A protocol for a 10-month old would look like – 1/3 scoop of GI Restore, 1/3 capsule of Binder Pro away from food mixed into apple sauce, DHA, ½ capsules of Ultrabiotic Multistrain

    Dr. Cindy

    OAT Test: Male, low energy, anxiety, depression (I would consider him more depressed than anxious), has a hard time recovering from physical activity, sore all over, acid reflux, hiatal hernia (subclinical), sits at a desk for a job.

    Confirmed prediabetic w/ Glucose +113, HgA1C 6.2; a SYNDROME X phenotype; high TG +240 indicates excessive blood sugar being converted to blood fat – high energy process creates fatigue, lipogenesis

    Adrenal pattern – very low potassium = high aldosterone, high adrenal output

    Hypoclorhydria – weak protein +6.6 [6.7-7.2]

    Borderline low Zinc Deficiency – low alk phos +60

    High GGT – +36 which indicates excessive cycling or usage of the glutathione system

    Mild high hsCRP – +1.4 mild chronic leaky gut

    Higher HCY 9.7 – needs methylation support, deficiency one-carbon methylation support

    Higher rT3 still within range but creeping up suggests cortisol induced thyroid stress.

    Mild viral challenge w/ lower Neutrophils and higher Lymphocytes

    Some oxalates in urine testing;

    Rakowski 7-day Detox w/ 30 day Modified Elimination Diet

    Dynamic Cardio Metabolic + Dynamic Detox in rotation

    Detox Support 2 TID

    Gluco IR 2 TID

    Berberine Pro 1 TID

    Melatonin Challenge or Use SE Serenity and Cortisol at 2 TID each

    High Dose Omega 3’s 9 capsules QD

    Ultrabiotic DEFENSE 1 BID

    26 year old male, no energy, hard to wake up in the morning, Dad to 2 young children, is physically fit, has a labor intensive job.

    Low DHEA-S, off the chart low Salivary Cortisol, and out of range low Metabolized Cortisol;

    Adrenal Carpet Bombing – rotate through the following 4 products ONCE per hour, one product at a time. So it will take 8 hours to get through (2) rotations, but each hour you are taking a single dose of a single product. He will go through 2 rotations per day of each of the 4 products and this process should go on for at least 2 to 3 weeks.

    SE Licorice Complex – 2 capsules

    SE Adrenal RENEW – 2 capsules

    SE B1B6 – 1 tablet

    SE Balance – 2 capsules

    In Addition to the Adrenal Carpet Bombing:

    Liposomal DHEA – 3 half-dropperfulls upon waking and 3 half-dropperfulls before bed

    Sulforaphane – 1 BID

    Bone Support Vegetarian – 1 tablet before meals 3x per day


    We also recommend that you perform urine sulfite testing at home using the following:

    Quantofix Sulfite Test Strips https://us.amazon.com/Macherey-Nagel-91306-Quantofix-Sulfite-Strips/dp/B00S1UKLOG/ref=dp_prsubs_2?pd_rd_i=B00S1UKLOG&psc=1

    Test urine 3x daily (and record your results), first making sure the pH of the urine is > 6.0 (PH TEST STRIPS TO CONFIRM).

    • This discussion was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    • This discussion was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    • This discussion was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    Cynthia replied 3 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies