• Dr. Andrew

    April 26, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    Female patient with infertility. DUTCH Test

    Female patient, infertility issues, has tried fertility treatment which has been not been successful.

    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    • Dr. Andrew

      April 26, 2024 at 3:01 pm

      Think of this case as a female version of “prostate” issues. Meaning, we need to decrease the 5 alpha and 5 beta reductase expression and push the hormone substrate into the aromatase pathway….

      Berberine Pro – 1 TID

      Prostate Support – 2 BID

      Astaxanthin – 1 TID

      Myo-Inositol – 6 QD

      • This reply was modified 3 months ago by  Dr. Andrew.
  • Dr. Andrew

    April 26, 2024 at 2:29 pm

    Do we have to be worried about the Androstenedione pathway? Her DHEA is on the lower end but her conversion to Testosterone is working well. She is aromatizing Testosterone and Androstenedione into Estrogen making her more estrogen dominant. I would use GSE Pro, Testrobalance, I-3-C, Calcium D Glucorate. Her Cortisol is also high, I would use Cortisol Pro, Stress Essentials Relax/Serenity. May be use the Melatonin Reset to jump start the cortisol reduction. She has a gut putrification marker as well. Sign of constipation? So Mag Citrate to help? Clean up the gut as well?

    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    • Dr. Andrew

      April 26, 2024 at 3:15 pm

      Consider that ovarian function is variable during perimenopause, and the pituitary drive stays the same – it doesn’t stop asking for hormones your entire life. So as LH and FSH go up during months with weak ovarian function, inevitably the ovary kicks back into gear, and is highly stimulated by the FSH and LH “the pituitary drive”. We support liver clearance to help her catch up with her back log of estrogen and hormone dominance.

      Coffee enemas

      Intense Detox



      Cal D Glucorate

      Gallbladder Flush


      Insoluble fiber to bind bile acids/hormone through gut transit

      Ganoderma Plus, Astragulus, Liver Care, Silymarin, etc.

  • Dr. Andrew

    April 26, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    72 year old female with long history of digestive issues. Constipation from 5yo. BMs are described as hard, compacted “little balls”. For the past 3-4 years, patient has been taking Miralax daily and often uses enemas and suppositories. Gas and bloating is severe (this is her number one complaint). Gall bladder was removed 7 years ago bc of severe pain. She was told that she had only 17% function.

    Endoscopies in 2005 and 2011 showed significant damage to stomach lining likely due to excessive intake of NSAIDS. Has been on Omeprazole ever since.

    She is “addicted to dough”.

    Has a diagnosis of Myofascial pain syndrome and suffers from inflammation in joints and anxiety disorder.

    Attached KBMO with gut barrier panel.

    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    • Dr. Andrew

      April 26, 2024 at 2:48 pm

      Increase Mag-Citrate to 6 or even 8 caps nightly before bed. Make sure she hydrates with H20 to hydrate the colon. At least one maybe several colon hydrotherapy treatments over a week or two would be beneficial.

      Other nutrients to consider for constipation – 5HTP, acetyl L-carnitine, ginger, huperzine (anti-cholinesterase),

  • Dr. Andrew

    April 26, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    New patient 43-year-old female presenting with symptoms of estrogen dominance and SIBO/SIFO. She is heterozygous MTHFR 1298. She has been on Xanax for over 15 years .25 mg 3x/day and cannot wean off without severe symptoms. Xanax blocks acetylcholine which stimulates the vagus nerve…..is this going to affect me treating gut infections? Any ideas how to deal with weaning off of Xanax? Feel this has contributed to gut problems. She cannot tolerate probiotics or methylation support.

    Thank you!

    • Dr. Andrew

      April 26, 2024 at 3:31 pm

      The issue here is a problem with inability to control GABA receptors, due to Benzodiazepene dependence, so we need to find natural ligands to active the receptor for her when she tries to come off the chemical medication. The Vagus N. has two branches, anterior and posterior. The anterior branch of the Vagus N. drives the stress response where the posterior branch controls the “rest and digest”.

      SE Calm 1 TID

      SE Relax 2 TID

      CBD Oil – 30-300mg QD

      Niacinamide – 1-2 capsules BID

      SSP Protocol – “Safe and Sound Protocol” therapy based on Poly Vagal Theory…using sound to change the brain/vagus N.