• Posted by Dr. Andrew on May 24, 2024 at 4:07 am

    Thrombocytopenia, PPI Therapy withdrawl symptoms, Thiamine deficiency and high lactate and ammonia, Hidden SIBO patterns on the OAT test

    Dr. Leah:

    45 year old female with a platelet count of 1,022 thou/cu mm. Platelets have been in the mid 700s for about 1.5 years and recently jumped. Several conventional tests, including chest/abdomen/pelvic CT have been done and all are WNL. JAK2 V617F mutation not detected. Waiting on CALR, MPL and BCR-ABL Assay to rule in/out Essential Thrombocythemia.

    What infections/inflammatory conditions can raise platelets and nothing else?


    Continue with follow-up CBC labs monthly basis

    Remember that platelets are removed from circulation with macrophages in the spleen and other organs breaking platelets.

    High dose proteolytic enzymes 45 min before meals and/or 3 hours after…3x per day. Nutrazyme (3-4) capsules TID following this advice.

    Liver support – silymarin, NAC, Glutathione, Coffee Enemas, etc.

    Look for ENVIRONEMNTAL PROBLEMS, ie mold

    • This discussion was modified 2 months ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    Marsha replied 2 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Leah

    May 24, 2024 at 12:28 pm

    45 year old female with a platelet count of 1,022 thou/cu mm. Platelets have been in the mid 700s for about 1.5 years and recently jumped. Several conventional tests, including chest/abdomen/pelvic CT have been done and all are WNL. JAK2 V617F mutation not detected. Waiting on CALR, MPL and BCR-ABL Assay to rule in/out Essential Thrombocythemia.

    What infections/inflammatory conditions can raise platelets and nothing else?

  • Marsha

    May 24, 2024 at 2:24 pm

    43 year old female has been on Xanax for 15 years and wants to wean off successfully

    No gallbladder. No SIBO and Candida is trending high per OAT attached.

    Has only been tolerating half dose of methylated multi prior to OAT and does not tolerate probiotics.

  • Marsha

    May 24, 2024 at 2:31 pm

    65 year old female whose OAT revealed SIBO/SIFO/high oxalates but is traveling a lot and says she cannot start SIBO protocol yet. She has agreed to the upper GI support protocol but despite my warning stopped her PPI cold turkey. She is on 4-6 tablets of HCL and still c/o reflux and undigested food in her stool/pain in her throat. Cannot tolerate high histamine foods.