• Posted by Dr. Andrew on December 2, 2023 at 12:29 am

    C-Section/Allergies and FUT2 human milk oligosaccharides; Chronic iron deficiency anemia and fatigue despite normal thyroid labs; How supplementing at the end of a pathway can improve the beginning of a pathway (eg. tryptophan steal, NAC and glutathione, Folate and MTHFR, etc.)

    Zoom Cloud Recording:


    Dr. Schilling Questions:

    Good morning Doc,

    Here’s the backstory to Sammy’s history

    He was born nine weeks early to emergency C-section in Baraboo, Wisconsin

    He transported to Madison and spent six weeks NICU

    He received IV antibiotics for a day and a half I believe due to their fear of some ” infection” Having caused the premature birth

    I was lobbying very hard for them to not give him the antibiotics, but the conversation occurred while Sarah was half under anesthesia in the recovery room

    I was going to deny the antibiotics and she pleaded with me to let them do what they needed to do

    He developed jaundice and was put under the lights

    Once he finally reached 5 pounds of weight and passed a 90 minute car seat Test he was allowed to come home

    He began thriving and weight rapidly

    I think he gained four or 5 pounds in the first month, month and a half

    He was born August 29th 2020

    Around March 2021 Sarah decided she was done breast-feeding

    He was transitioned to a organic grass fed baby formula

    We had used the same formula to supplement Sarah’s breastmilk while she was in the NICU with Sammy

    It came as a shock to us He developed full body hives, almost immediately

    At seven months, he weighed 21 pounds

    He didn’t gain a single pound for about a year and a half

    I was finally able to find some supplements that he would tolerate in February of this year

    I have used a combination of Apex Energetics products to treat mucosal intolerance

    I’ve also used different, herbal remedies from NutriDyn and homeopathic from DesBio

    Itching is his biggest challenge that we can see on the outside

    I believe his guts are completely torn up on the inside ever since the allergic reaction to the dairy formula

    His skin is very similar to what I experienced as a child so the inherited stress is carried down

    More data points…tons of food sensitivities to pea protein, almond, egg, dairy products, coconut, etc…

    I have found that fungus is his biggest challenge or so it seems to be connected to the itching

    Upon doing AK testing yesterday I here is what he tested for

    Coccidioides homeopathic

    Histamine homeopathic

    ABP1 Assist (DAO product)


    Sulforaphane Complex




    UltraD 5000

    Homeopathic from a Mexican colleague

    Don’t hesitate to let me know what other information you would like. Happy to provide any further backstory and or details.

    Thanks a million for your support!!

    PROTOCOL IDEA – increase antigen binding and neutralization

    Holigos – OTC supplement for 2’FL for FUT2 deficiency, high dose HMO prebiotic, bioidentical to breastmilk that will bind/neutralize LECTIN BINDING in the gut.

    Immunolytic Mold Testing – use agar plates and a very high quality but simple method

    GI Defend – pure generic blank immunoglobulins from Bovine serum, non-dairy, etc.

    Neuromethylation Cream – topical methylation MTHFR support product.

    Sydney Question:

    Hello Dr. Andrew

    If you could please go over the following lab markers. When I input these markers into my lab sheet all markers are within functional range except for Thyroglobulin Ab.

    20 YOF

    CC: fatigue, digestive issues- mild constipation, states “stomach hurts after I eat” and complains of racing heart a few times a day.

    OAT: SIFO, low B-vitamins

    Labs showed extremely low in all iron markers

    Thyroid Markers


    FT3- 4.05


    TPO- <4

    Thyroglobulin Ab- 24

    Marsha Question:


    On the tryptophan pathway going toward the left side as it converts to serotonin and then ultimately to melatonin…. if you supplement with melatonin, are you essentially increasing the serotonin and other compounds upstream by taking the pressure off of downstream conversions? Can you fill up buckets upstream as well as downstream by supplementation?

    • This discussion was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    • This discussion was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    • This discussion was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by  Dr. Andrew.
    Dr. Andrew replied 7 months, 4 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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