• Dr. Andrew

    March 15, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    Lipo-Flow – 1-2 TID per meal

    HCl Challenge – 1-7 tablets

    Pan 5x – 2 TID

    Fermented foods should be encouraged

    MCT Oil – 2 tbsp QD or Spectrum BR (3 tablets QD)

    S. boulardii / Ultrabiotic Defense – 1 BID

    Mag-Citrate – 1-6 tablets at night before bed to have a normal BM the following day before noon.

    NEEDS: DUTCH testing to measure ADRENAL vs. SEX HORMONE levels and determine what kind of support she needs as her HPO axis shuts down. Needs to follow the 80% RULE of energy output.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by  Dr. Andrew.